Friday, March 6, 2009

Apple wifi problems

This is for people who actually use macbooks as part of their daily lives.....the macbook rocks no denying that but its quite a funny operating system. Everything is like 'buttoned up' if u get what i mean. Well off late my wifi was absolutely slow it took like ages to load any page so much so that my cdma internet connection was way faster than my wifi. Called up apple they werent great help claiming that they werent liable to give my phone support since my laptop was past warranty period damn! I had no idea on what to do. Did some googling (ofcourse who else to turn to but good old google) still no concrete answers so i said that this is insane cant get one damn answer. I thot as well sleep.............i really needed to check email so thought i'll switch to Linux and have it checked (the wifi on linux was real fast) so switched to linux and was checking my mail it was normal i was like whats wrong with mac OS.....i was playing with /etc/resolv.conf and then it hit me i had configured the DNS on my linux box and mac OS was automatically getting its dns!! that should be the problem rebooted to my mac OS. Checked my internet settings there it said that DNS was my internet router and not my wifi router (Dl-524) so it had two dns addresses (192.x.x.x and 192.x.x.x) the first address was my internet router which cannot be pinged from any of my hosts and the wifi router was second so thats why the bloody internet was slow ......the first dns address timed out and the wifi router's dns which was working fine started working aah so thats why it was so slow...... ok now have to change the order in which mac would recognize the dns servers. Unfortuantely for me mac wouldnt allow me to edit resolv.conf claiming it was read-only and the dns settings in system preferences were greyed out.....this is because of a little known feature of dhcp which gives advice on which dns servers to use. Its just ADVICE!! but the mac had made it default there is actually no known ways to overrride this....frustrating!! So i figured the other way to change this is to tweek the router to give itself as the dns server ....opened the router configuration and changed the dns settings and voila! had high speed internet on my macbook too!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

My Life with Linux on the Mac!

Well another post when am bored....non-tech guys please stay away u wont understand anything. I have a Macbook for the past year and a half  it works pretty well (thank god or nature) depending wether your a believer or no. Its an Intel C2D 2.16 ghz  1 GB DDR2 RAM 160 gigs of hard drive space not too bad. It runs Mac OS X 10.5.4 ( Leopard u fool!) well a few days back I wanted to install linux on the macbook to c what it can do. I started off by installing FC 9 which i downloaded off the internet. Installation went smooth could successfully dual boot OS X and FC 9. Played around with it for a while installing the drivers can prove cumbersome the macbook chipsets are closely guarded secrets as though they deal with the armed forces of a nation. Googling helped locate the chipset make. Had to get reverse engineered drivers for linux most of the builds never worked but hey after some R&D managed to get the wifi, sound, the webcam working fine. A few days passed and i ordered a RHEL CD for myself since i found fedora a little boring to use. Inserted the Leopard CD and deleted the Linux partition ( for installing RHEL) got it deleted and went on to partition the drive again using diskutil so as to create space for my RHEL installation it simply wouldn't partition the drive giving some mundane error saying that it wasnt one single partition. Then I figured that the swap space didnt get deleted. I was cursing myself damn! i had about 1 gig of swap space. No matter what I did the swap space wouldnt go. So I figured that I'd have to delete my mac os  fully and then reinstall it something which is quite boring coz it requires backing up of data and all the bull crap that goes along with it. Googled again  found little or nothing that could be of use. Then I figured if i can somehow use a terminal i could delete the partition using the parted utility that comes with Linux. Downloaded  Gparted from the web burnt it on a disc and voila the swap space just went in a jiffy!! no need to reformat the Mac partition rebooted into OS X. Used diskutil again and created the 'single' partition required by OS X again created a 15 gig partition for my linux. Downloaded rEfit for the dual booting rebooting using the linux cd installed it and there u go works like a charm. For queries do ask and I will give you the procedure exactly